Moving Out of State With a Child Custody Agreement

  • Uncovering Hidden Divorce Assets

    23 February 2019

    When a couple is happily married, hiding assets is not likely to enter your spouse's mind. Unfortunately, marriages that are coming to an end could cause a spouse to take protective actions. It's vital that you have an accurate accounting of all marital assets when going through a divorce. Read on to learn more about identifying marital property, signs of duplicity, and how to deal with hidden assets. Identifying Marital Property

  • Hurt On The Job As A Garbage Collector? Try To Get These Witnesses

    17 January 2019

    Getting injured on the job when you work as a garbage collector can leave you in a difficult situation, as it may be some time before you're able to work again. If you believe that you'll pursue a workers' compensation case against your employer, you want to strengthen it right away. If you've just sustained an injury on your route, you should know that witnesses can be critical for your case.

  • Simple Mistakes While Driving That Could Lead To A Traffic Ticket

    5 December 2018

    When you're driving, it's easy to make decisions that are actually traffic violations, even if you don't view them this way. Many motorists make these decisions daily, and while there's usually no consequence to them, don't be surprised if you get pulled over if a police officer spots you. If a police officer sees you do something that is against the law, he or she may warn you or even ticket you — both of which can offer a serious incentive not to make the same mistake again in the future.

  • Three Interesting Alternatives to Traditional Divorce

    22 October 2018

    Going through a divorce is an extremely stressful time in anyone's life. A traditional divorce is time-consuming and could even involve a court trial. Fortunately, there are several good alternatives to a traditional divorce that can make the process easier and more streamlined. This article takes a look at three of these important options. Summary Divorce Summary divorce is a procedure that ends a marriage without all of the complexities of a traditional divorce.

  • Do You And Your Spouse Both Know You Want A Divorce? What To Know About Mediation

    25 September 2018

    If divorce is something that has been weighing on the minds of you and your spouse and you think you are both prepared to move forward, there are some things you want to talk with a lawyer about. If the two of you are able to talk about divorce respectfully and without a lot of conflict, the potential for a mediated divorce could have a good outlook. Here are some of the things that you can take into consideration and discuss with each other and your law professional.

  • 3 Important Reasons To Hire An Attorney When Facing A Divorce

    24 August 2018

    Divorce is one of the more stressful life events to be put through. Your emotions may be spiraling out of control, and there are a lot of legal issues to deal with. Instead of dealing with this process alone, consider hiring a divorce attorney. They can help out in the following ways.  1. Maintain Fairness   Some divorces end up bad because one party wants more than they're entitled to. This can ruin the other party financially.

  • Has Your Teen Taken A Summer Job? What To Do If They're Injured At Work

    10 July 2018

    Now that school is out, teenagers are hurrying to secure their summer employment. If your teen has joined the summer workforce, you need to worry about on-the-job injuries. You never know when your teen is going to slip and fall or injure their back lifting a heavy load while they're at work. If they do suffer a work-related injury this summer, you'll need to work fast to protect their rights. You might not realize this, but even teenage workers have the right to workers' compensation benefits.