22 October 2018
Going through a divorce is an extremely stressful time in anyone's life. A traditional divorce is time-consuming and could even involve a court trial. Fortunately, there are several good alternatives to a traditional divorce that can make the process easier and more streamlined. This article takes a look at three of these important options. Summary Divorce Summary divorce is a procedure that ends a marriage without all of the complexities of a traditional divorce.
25 September 2018
If divorce is something that has been weighing on the minds of you and your spouse and you think you are both prepared to move forward, there are some things you want to talk with a lawyer about. If the two of you are able to talk about divorce respectfully and without a lot of conflict, the potential for a mediated divorce could have a good outlook. Here are some of the things that you can take into consideration and discuss with each other and your law professional.
24 August 2018
Divorce is one of the more stressful life events to be put through. Your emotions may be spiraling out of control, and there are a lot of legal issues to deal with. Instead of dealing with this process alone, consider hiring a divorce attorney. They can help out in the following ways. 1. Maintain Fairness Some divorces end up bad because one party wants more than they're entitled to. This can ruin the other party financially.
10 July 2018
Now that school is out, teenagers are hurrying to secure their summer employment. If your teen has joined the summer workforce, you need to worry about on-the-job injuries. You never know when your teen is going to slip and fall or injure their back lifting a heavy load while they're at work. If they do suffer a work-related injury this summer, you'll need to work fast to protect their rights. You might not realize this, but even teenage workers have the right to workers' compensation benefits.
9 June 2018
If you've been injured by your healthcare provider, you're going to need a medical malpractice attorney. This isn't something that you should handle on your own. Medical malpractice is a complex legal issue, and can get confusing if you don't know what you're doing. That's why you need to hire a medical malpractice attorney. Not only will they untangle the confusion for you, they'll also provide you with the following benefits.
9 May 2018
A workers' compensation lawsuit can take a dreadfully long time -- especially when you're stuck at home, in pain, without work to distract you. On top of that, you probably have unpaid bills piling up and no end in sight. So, naturally, it's certainly understandable if you call your attorney's office every couple weeks to ask for an update on your case. Unfortunately, if you don't know the right questions to ask, you may end up ending the call without knowing much more than you did when you began it.
14 April 2018
When you get hurt because of another person's actions, you are entitled to be compensated. The type of compensation and the amount depends on the exact nature of the injury. The harm done to individuals tend to fall into several categories of damage, so read on for an overview of each and determine how you've been injured. Personal Injury This is somewhat of a catch-all term, but legally-speaking it only applies to injuries that injure your physical self or your mental self.