16 March 2018
If you're heavily invested in the stock market as part of your retirement planning, you need to know that your investments are sound. In order to do that, you need to hire a competent investment broker. When you hire a broker, you expect them to have your best interest in mind. You also expect them to protect your portfolio. If your broker has made decisions that have undermined your financial stability, and put you at risk for significant losses, it's time to talk to a securities attorney.
12 February 2018
Why do so many widows end up at odds with their stepchildren? Experts say that around 50% of estates that end up in litigation involve a dispute between a stepmother and her deceased spouse's natural children. The arguments can range from relatively minor (but very emotional) disagreements over the personal items of the deceased husband/father to major contests over the terms of the will or a trust. Why do stepmothers end up in so many estate disputes?
17 January 2018
Filing for bankruptcy is something people decide to do when they cannot find another way out of the debt problems they have, but some people do not file simply because they cannot afford the fees involved. Filing for bankruptcy is not free; however, it is a very complicated process that you should not attempt to do yourself. People who attempt this on their own often experience the following problems. Filing under the wrong chapter
12 December 2017
If you are in an automobile accident, there are numerous steps you should take immediately. The aftermath of an auto accident can be physically painfully, emotionally distressing, and financially overwhelming. These seven essential steps are designed to help you through this process as easily and simply as possible. 1. Contact the Police After an auto accident, you should always call the police. They create a legal record of the accident, and if you ultimately go to court or have to make an insurance claim, that record can be essential.
15 November 2017
For some, winter is known as the season for holiday feasting, college bowl games, and hitting the slopes to enjoy the snow. But for others, winter is best known as the beginning of their favorite shopping time of the year. From Black Friday to the year-end closeouts and January white sales, thousands of items will be discounted to give them extra appeal. If the arrival of winter and the thought of great shopping has got you counting your cash and dusting off your credit cards, the following tips will help keep you safe during all your winter shopping adventures.
19 October 2017
Even though you may pay monthly premiums for your disability insurance, there's no guarantee your insurance provider will pay your claim when you need to submit one. Unfortunately, your provider can deny you coverage, and here are three reasons it may choose to do so. The Disability is Caused by a Pre-Existing Condition One reason your claim for coverage may be denied is if your disability was caused by a preexisting condition; that is, a medical problem you were previously diagnosed and treated for prior to obtaining coverage from the insurance provider.
28 February 2017
Do you feel like your DWI case is hopeless? It may seem that way, especially if the prosecutor is stressing the evidence against you and hoping to intimidate you into taking a plea agreement. However, there are a number of ways that DWI defense attorneys can tackle a case that can make even a "hopeless" one winnable. Here are some examples of tactics used by defense attorneys that may help you see your case in a better light.