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Problems You May Encounter If You File For Bankruptcy Without A Lawyer

by Layla Bryant

Filing for bankruptcy is something people decide to do when they cannot find another way out of the debt problems they have, but some people do not file simply because they cannot afford the fees involved. Filing for bankruptcy is not free; however, it is a very complicated process that you should not attempt to do yourself. People who attempt this on their own often experience the following problems.

Filing under the wrong chapter

The first thing you might do wrong when filing is choose the wrong branch. Most consumers file either under Chapter 7 or Chapter 13, but one branch is likely going to be more effective for you. If you choose the wrong branch, you could end up not receiving the relief you really need, and this could be a waste of time and money.

To avoid this, you will either want to seek professional help to choose the right branch, or you should take time to fully research both branches, so you know which one would help you the most.

Failing to fill out all the necessary documents

The second mistake you are prone to make if you file yourself if failing to file all the right papers. Filing for bankruptcy is extremely complicated, and it requires filling out dozens of different forms. Additionally, you must submit a lot of different types of documents when you file or when the court asks you. Failing to fill out just one of the required forms could lead the court to dismiss your case. If this happens, you will have to start all over with your case.  

Inputting the wrong information

The other mistake people commonly make when filing alone is not giving the right information to the court. The documents you must fill out are not always easy to complete, especially if you do not know a lot about bankruptcy. If you input the wrong information on any of the required pages, the court may dismiss your case.

The best way to avoid these problems is to hire a professional to help you file for bankruptcy. By doing this, you can be certain you will file under the right branch and fill out all the paperwork accurately and completely.

If you really need help with your debt load, contact a company that offers Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing services. They can give you the advice and help you need to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, and this could bring the financial relief you really need.
