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Has Your Teen Taken A Summer Job? What To Do If They're Injured At Work

by Layla Bryant

Now that school is out, teenagers are hurrying to secure their summer employment. If your teen has joined the summer workforce, you need to worry about on-the-job injuries. You never know when your teen is going to slip and fall or injure their back lifting a heavy load while they're at work.

If they do suffer a work-related injury this summer, you'll need to work fast to protect their rights. You might not realize this, but even teenage workers have the right to workers' compensation benefits. However, it's up to you, the parent or guardian, to make sure those rights are protected. Here are three steps you'll need to take right away if your teen is injured at work this summer.

Be Sure Your Child Files a Report Right Away

If your teen is injured at work this summer, it's crucial that they file an accident report right away. If they come home injured, or call you from work to report an injury, the first thing you need to do is make sure they've reported the injury to their supervisor. If they're still at work, have them file the report before they come home. If they've already returned home, have them call their supervisor immediately.

Take Your Child to a Healthcare Provider Immediately

If your teen hasn't been to see a doctor regarding their injuries yet, you need to take them to do that as soon as possible. The last thing you want to do is delay treatment for your teen's injuries. Take your teen to a local urgent care center or emergency room for initial treatment. You'll also want to schedule an appointment with your personal physician.

You'll also want to contact your teen's employer to see if there is a mandatory physician that they'll need to receive care from. If there is, be sure to schedule an appointment right away. If there isn't, let the employer know that your teen will be receiving care from their personal physician.

Hire an Attorney Who Specializes in Workers Compensation

If your teen is injured at his summer job, you'll need to hire an attorney like Gilbert, Blaszcyk & Milburn LLP for them right away. Because your teen is a minor, the insurance company may try to make things difficult for them. An attorney will ensure that your teen's rights are protected under the workers' compensation laws. Not only that, but they'll ensure that you don't need to deal with the insurance company. They'll take care of that for you.
