Moving Out of State With a Child Custody Agreement

3 Ways To Co-Parent During A Divorce

by Layla Bryant

If you and your spouse share children, your relationship does not end when you file for divorce. You and your spouse will have to continue to co-parent your children and this can sometimes be difficult. To help you avoid conflict, here are some co-parenting tips to use during and after the divorce. 

Never Make Assumptions

One of the biggest mistakes you and your spouse could make is making assumptions about decisions that need to be made for your children. Even if you and your spouse have usually agreed about certain issues with your children up to this point, a divorce can sometimes change this. 

It is important that both parents make the effort to discuss important decisions with each other before any actions are taken. You can even make some general rules regarding how to handle emergency situations, such as if the child needs medical treatment. 

To avoid future conflicts, ask your divorce attorney to include your agreements in the divorce agreement. Both parties will have written documentation confirming exactly what was agreed to. 

Always Have a Plan B

There will be some occasions in which you and your spouse might not be able to agree on issues that impact your children. Unfortunately, an inability to communicate with each other and sometimes stubbornness can result in arguments that land you both back in family court. 

To avoid this, when facing an issue that requires the other parent's input, always have a plan B. Your plan B can be what it is you are willing to accept at minimum. For instance, if you and your spouse are unable to agree on the exact school that your children will attend, a possible compromise or plan B can be he or she is allowed to pick the school as long as it offers the curriculum you want. 

Try Mediation

Before heading back to the family court to resolve any conflicts you and your spouse are having about the children, consider mediation. Mediation not only can help with resolving the issue, but it can help provide proof that you did try to work it out. This could be important if your disagreement does end up in court. 

You do not have to go into mediation alone. Your attorney like one from Koth & Gregory PC Law Firm can offer solid advice on negotiating and even help you assess any offers that you receive from your spouse. 

Co-parenting is important, but sometimes it is difficult. With patience and the right legal assistance, you and your spouse should be able to find a middle ground.
