You probably realize that it's a common tactic for potential employers and landlords to peruse your social media posts to see if they can spot any red flags or flaws in your character. But did you know that divorce attorneys often do the same thing? It's true. Many lawyers say they're starting to see more and more evidence of the social media kind in the court room. For this reason, you have to be especially careful about using social media during a divorce. In fact, you probably shouldn't use it at all. Following are three reasons why.
Your Posts Never Go Away
If you post something negative about your ex in the heat of the moment, you might live to regret it later. While you may think that you can simply delete such a post and get rid of it, you can't. Even if you delete something, your ex's attorney may still be able to get it and use it as evidence. Negative posts, especially those putting down your ex, make you look bad in court. They not only make you appear immature, they can also highlight character flaws that your ex might use against you in court.
Boasting on Social Media Can Hurt Your Credibility
It's not uncommon for some people to lie, brag, or exaggerate on social media. However, if you do so, it might hurt your credibility during your divorce proceedings. For example, if you post online that you got a great job when you actually didn't, your ex's lawyer might use your social media post and proof of your actual employment status to show that you cannot be trusted to tell the truth. Once the judge questions your credibility, they will question everything you say in court.
Your Choices May Make You Look Bad
In some divorce cases, certain behaviors, such as partying, dating, and spending an excessive amount of money are looked down upon. If you do these activities and make posts about it or upload pictures on social media, your ex could use it to seek custody of your children or get a bigger award in the divorce settlement. While evidence of these sorts of things have always been used in court, social media makes it easy to show the court exactly how you're spending your time.
As you can see, there are several ways social media can hurt your during your divorce. Since there are so many pitfalls associated with social media, many divorce attorneys advise their clients to avoid it altogether until after your divorce is finalized.