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Injury Compensation Options For Veterans In Need

by Layla Bryant

Military veterans can fall victim to various physical and mental conditions as a result of their service, but compensation options aren't always clear. Depending on when and how you were injured, there are different compensation systems that you may qualify for. Consider a few compensation systems that match your conditions to get the assistance you deserve:

If Your Injury Is Related To The Military

Veterans Affairs (VA) compensation is available for veterans who suffered injuries as a result of military services. Such injuries or conditions are considered service-connected, and subject to a test that verifies the injury's relationship to service.

The service-connection test identifies the time period in which your condition was caused or if a condition became worse. Evidence for time period usually comes from military medical records or official statements and complaints that can be verified.

The severity of your injuries matter as well. VA medical examiners can determine how severely your day-to-day activities may be impaired by the condition, or if the condition is expected to get worse.

Your documentation needs to identify the cause of the condition, or at least a compelling specific cause. If you don't have a specific cause listed, an injury lawyer may be able to help you qualify for a category called presumptive injuries.

Injuries can be caused by the daily stresses in the military, such as leg or back pain from strenuous physical activity in difficult terrain. Although such presumptive conditions can be harder to prove than specific injury cases, having documented complaints about the problem before leaving the military can give you an advantage in the claims process.

Social Security For Unsuccessful Claims

If your injury does not meet the service-connected criteria, a social security attorney can help you by looking into other options. The social security disability program is available for people with conditions that prevent productive work, and can provide the income needed to survive on the economy.

This option is available if you're suffering from a condition that happened before or after military service and rejected by the VA claim system. The downside is that social security compensation has a set of restrictions on your earned income--if you make over a certain amount of money from other sources, there's no reason for social security to continue your payments at the same level or at all.

VA injury compensation, however, has no such restriction. You can continue to work while received a service-connect injury, as the money isn't just designed to support you on the economy; it's the VA's compensation for the sacrifices and trauma caused as a result of serving your country. Information on the disability status and ability to work while receiving benefits can be found in the VA disability information page.

Even if you decide to go for the social security option, an attorney can help you continue to fight for VA coverage if there seems to be even the smallest chance of VA compensation. Keep in mind that if you eventually receive VA compensation, you may no longer qualify for--or need--social security compensation. Contact a socials security attorney to discuss your situation and look through your military documentation.
